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Country and Regional Coordinating Mechanisms

The Global Fund Country Coordinating Mechanism Policy, approved by the Global Fund Board in May 2018, outlines the key principles and requirements for Coordinating Mechanisms (CMs), which include Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCM), Regional Coordinating Mechanisms (RCM), and in certain cases non-CCMs and Regional Organizations (RO).

Country Coordinating Mechanism

The Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) is a country-level partnership of stakeholders that is central to the Global Fund’s commitment to local ownership and participatory decision-making. CCMs are composed of representatives from both the public and private sectors – including government bodies, multilateral or bilateral agencies, NGOs, academic institutions, the private sector and people living with the diseases.

The specific role of the CCM is as follows:

  • During the development of the funding request to the Global Fund the CCM prepares the request based on local needs and financing gaps. As part of the request, the CCM nominates one or a few Principal Recipients.
  • Throughout the lifetime of the grant the CCM is responsible for the oversight of implementation by the Principal Recipient.
  • Throughout the lifetime of the grant, the CCM ensures links and consistency between Global Fund assistance and other development and health assistance programmes in support of national disease responses.

CCMs may be eligible for ‘basic’ or ‘expanded’ funding directly from the Global Fund Secretariat to cover certain CCM costs. The Global Fund website provides more information on CCM eligibility requirements and guidelines.

UNDP may be nominated to provide oversight of such funding as the ‘recipient entity’ for CCM funding. Please see here for the standard terms and conditions for CCM agreements between the Global Fund and UNDP.

Regional Coordinating Mechanism

For regional or multi-country grants, two types of coordinating bodies may submit funding requests and serve as the governance structure for the grant: a Regional Coordinating Mechanism (RCM) or a Regional Organization (RO).

An RCM is a multi-country regional-level public-private partnership whose role is, among others, to (1) coordinate the development of the funding proposal(s) to the Global Fund for relevant program(s) based on priority needs at the regional level and (2) oversee the implementation of program activities. RCMs are subject to the Eligibility Requirements and are eligible for CCM funding.

ROs, which are not eligible for CCM funding, are organizations that can demonstrate the following characteristics:

  1. a) Be a legally registered entity;
  2. b) Not be a United Nations, multilateral or bilateral agency; and
  3. c) Demonstrate broad regional stakeholder consultation and involvement.

It should be noted that ROs are not subject to the Eligibility Requirements, although it is strongly recommended that they implement them to the extent possible. If there are questions on the CCM Eligibility Requirements as they apply to a funding request submitted by a RO, please contact your Programme Advisor, Global Fund Partnership & Health Programme Implementation Support Team, for guidance.

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