Functional Areas
- Principal Recipient Start-Up
Legal Framework
- Overview
- Project Document
The Grant Agreement
- UNDP-Global Fund Grant Regulations
- Grant Confirmation
- Grant Confirmation: Face Sheet
- Grant Confirmation: Conditions
- Grant Confirmation: Conditions Precedent (CP)
- Grant Confirmation: Special Conditions (SCs)
- Grant Confirmation: Schedule 1, Integrated Grant Description
- Grant Confirmation: Schedule 1, Performance Framework
- Grant Confirmation: Schedule 1, Summary Budget
- Implementation Letters and Performance Letters
- Agreements with Sub-recipients
- Agreements with Sub-sub-recipients
- Signing Legal Agreements and Requests for Disbursement
- Language of the Grant Agreement and other Legal Instruments
- Amending Legal Agreements
- Other Legal and Implementation Considerations
- Legal Framework for Other UNDP Support Roles
Health Product Management
- Overview - Health Product Management
- UNDP Quality Assurance Policy
- Product Selection
- Quantification and Forecasting
- Supply Planning of Health Products
Sourcing and regulatory aspects
- Global Health Procurement Center (GHPC)
- Development of List of Health Products
- Development of the Health Procurement Action Plan (HPAP)
- Health Procurement Architecture
- Local Procurement of health products
- Procurement of Pharmaceutical Products
- Procurement of non-pharmaceutical Health Products
- Other Elements of the UNDP Procurement Architecture
- Submission of GHPC CO Procurement Request Form
- Guidance on donations of health products
- International freight, transit requirements and use of INCOTERMS
- Inspection and Receipt
- Storage
- Inventory Management
- Distribution
- Quality monitoring of health products
- Waste management
- Rational use
- Pharmacovigilance
- Risk Management for PSM of health products
- Compliance with the Global Fund requirements
- UNDP Health PSM Roster
Financial Management
- Overview
- Grant-Making and Signing
- Grant Implementation
- Sub-recipient Management
- Grant Reporting
- Grant Closure
- CCM Funding
- Import duties and VAT / sales tax
Monitoring and Evaluation
- Overview
- Differentiation Approach
- Monitoring and Evaluation Components of Funding Request
- Monitoring and Evaluation Components of Grant Making
- M&E Components of Grant Implementation
- Sub-Recipient Management
- Grant Reporting
Capacity development and transition, strengthening systems for health
- Overview
- Interim Principal Recipient of Global Fund Grants
- A Strategic Approach to Capacity Development
- Resilience and Sustainability
- Legal and Policy Enabling Environment
- Functional Capacities
- Capacity Development and Transition
- Transition
- Capacity Development Objectives and Transition Milestones
- Capacity Development Results - Evidence From Country Experiences
- Capacity development and Transition Planning Process
- Capacity Development and Transition - Lessons Learned
Risk Management
- Overview
- Introduction to Risk Management
Risk Management in the Global Fund
- Global Fund Risk Management Framework
- Local Fund Agent
- Challenging Operating Environment (COE) Policy
- Additional Safeguard Policy
- Global Fund Risk Management Requirements for PRs
- Global Fund Risk Management Requirements During Funding Request
- Global Fund Review of Risk Management During Grant Implementation
- Risk management in UNDP
- Risk Management in UNDP-managed Global Fund projects
- UNDP Risk Management Process
- Risk management in crisis settings
- Audit and Investigations
- Human rights, key populations and gender
- Human resources
Grant closure
- Overview
- Terminology and Scenarios for Grant Closure Process
Steps of Grant Closure Process
- 1. Global Fund Notification Letter 'Guidance on Grant Closure'
- 2. Preparation and Submission of Grant Close-Out Plan and Budget
- 3. Global Fund Approval of Grant Close-Out Plan
- 4. Implementation of Close-Out Plan and Completion of Final Global Fund Requirements (Grant Closure Period)
- 5. Operational Closure of Project
- 6. Financial Closure of Project
- 7. Documentation of Grant Closure with Global Fund Grant Closure Letter
UNDP Inventory management
UNDP inventory policy requires qualified inventories to be recognized as assets until consumed or distributed. The balance of such inventories must be physically counted, valued, recognized and reported as assets at the end of each reporting quarter. The determination of items to be included in inventory is based on ownership and control of the inventories. The physical location or custody of the inventories are factors to be considered in determining control (i.e., whether they are stored on UNDP premises or managed by UNDP personnel). UNDP must recognize the inventories if UNDP undertakes any of the following responsibilities:
- Controls access to and distribution of the inventory items;
- Administers a programme requiring distribution of the inventory items (as opposed to situations where the inventory items are purchased solely for immediate shipment to a local government/implementing partner; or
- Bears the risks of loss, theft, damage, spoilage, etc.
Undistributed inventory over which UNDP has direct control and access, administers distribution or bears the risk of loss, theft, damage, etc. is reportable in UNDP’s financial statements. To satisfy the reporting requirement, Country Offices (COs) are required to count inventory and supplies at the end of each quarter and submit a certification of this to the UNDP Office of Financial Management (OFM) by the prescribed deadline. Detailed guidance for the physical count of inventory end is communicated by OFM for the second quarter and year-end financial closure. OFM then posts accounting adjustments for crediting expenses and debiting inventory account 14602 at the end of the reporting period (to capture the closing balances). These adjustments (as opening balances) are reversed at the start of the next quarter.
Inventory in transit is enroute goods purchased that are in the ownership of UNDP but in the possession of the carrier. The inventory in transit that is owned by UNDP (based on INCOTERMS 2020) must be recorded as inventories. Therefore, it is very important to determine the ownership of inventory items in transit based on respective INCOTERMS 2020.
For example, for FCA Incoterms (short for “Free Carrier”), the title of goods passes to UNDP when the supplier delivers the goods to the carrier nominated by UNDP. In this case UNDP should recognize the inventory while in transit.
Refer to:
- Refer to: UNDP Programme and Operations Policies and Procedures (POPP) on Inventory Management

Property, Plant and Equipment (PP&E) items, which are capitalized in UNDP books, are not to be considered inventory. As indicated under Asset Management (above), assets that are delivered to and are to be used and controlled by Sub-recipients (SRs)/Government are expensed. The only exception would be those assets procured using non-UNDP catalogue (i.e., to be expensed) but are temporarily held by UNDP as of the reporting date, waiting to be distributed to the SRs/Government. Such asset-like items must be included/reported as inventory items.