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Grant Implementation

Once the Global Fund grant has been signed and a disbursement has been received, some Programme Managers have expressed concern that there is insufficient capacity in the Project Management Unit (PMU) to effectively deliver on human rights and gender programmes. This risk can be mitigated by ensuring proper planning and involvement of CSOs and consultants, preferably engaged from programme design and inception, with the requisite knowledge and experience to implement programmes.

Practice Pointer
  • Reprogramming: In consultation with your Programme Advisor in the UNDP Global Fund Partnership and Health Systems Team (GFPHST), as well as jointly with Sub-recipients (SRs), Programme Managers are encouraged to identify areas for which savings can be used to scale up/reprogramme funds, based on recommended programming included in the Global Fund Human Rights Information Note, and the UNAIDS key programmes to fight stigma and discrimination (scale up of trainings/desensitization for health care workers; anti-stigma and discrimination advertisements, Legal Environment Assessments (LEAs) etc.).
  • Technical support: Engage with CSOs and key population and women’s networks early to support implementation/provide TA.
  • Early warning: It is important to identify issues early. For example, if activities are not implemented due to sensitivities, lack of attendance, Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) “politics”; human resource constraints or capacity, etc. contact your UNDP GFPHST Programme Advisor for support and guidance.
  • Communication efforts: It is important to ensure that programme activities are communicated
  • to relevant stakeholders including the Global Fund and other donors, as a viable source of advocacy for future funding of these programmes. Modalities employed can include Newsletters, Facebook, Twitter, and impact sheets that highlight key activities and results. The Multi-country Western Pacific integrated HIV/TB programme website and the Africa Regional grant on HIV website include good examples of communication efforts.
  • Appoint a country ‘high-level champion’ to advocate for consistent attention to the gender, key population and human rights dimensions of the three diseases.

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