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Budget approval

The funding request budget and the detailed budget prepared for the grant-making process should be uploaded to the Global Fund’s online platform (the latest platform is Grant Operating System (GOS)).

A standardized detailed budget (DB) template is extracted from the Global Fund’s GOS in Excel, with prepopulated data. The level of detail included in the DB Template shall differ depending on the stage of the application, i.e., whether the application is at funding request or grant-making stage. The summary budget is automatically produced in the DB template for all stages of the budgeting mechanism (e.g., funding request, grant-making, reprogramming). The summary budget reflects the costs of each intervention (modular approach) and cost grouping using standard budget classifications provided in the costing dimension (cost inputs/cost grouping).

To ensure efficient and timely review and approval, when submitting a budget for approval the Principal Recipient (PR) should include all unit cost assumptions and upload all relevant supporting documents. The estimated time for the review and approval of the detailed budget submitted by the PR is 30 to 90 days, depending on the stage of the process. Additional clarifications and/or budgets that do not comply with Global Fund principles could lead to additional delays in the approval process.

Once approved, the budget is captured in Global Fund systems as the official approved budget and used as the basis for financial reporting unless it is modified through the grant agreement after any material budget adjustments. This is also the “baseline budget” and all budget adjustments will be compared against this version for the establishment of materiality thresholds.

Additional guidance to support this area of work are also available through a number of resources listed below:

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