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This Chapter is structured around the key stages of the Global Fund grant architecture which have their respective M&E requirements – Funding Request preparation, Grant Making and Grant Implementation. The Chapter aims provide guidance to the M&E and Programme specialists at Programme Management Units (PMUs) on the specific M&E components / documents related to each of the above stages. Where applicable, links to more detailed documents are included. At the start of the Chapter, the Differentiation Approach used by the Global Fund for different portfolio categories is explained. (NB: The Grant Closure stage is not covered as it does not have any additional M&E-related requirements besides the routine progress reporting).

The Chapter will be further enhanced based on the practical experience from the GC7 funding cycle, and upon learning specific needs and areas for improvement of PMUs.

If any questions arise on the content of this Chapter or application of specific guidance, please reach out to your GFPHST M&E Specialist.

Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) are a key component of programming. Through M&E, the programme results at all levels can be measured to provide the basis for accountability and informed decision-making at both programme and policy level.

Programme monitoring is the routine tracking of the key elements of programme/project performance through proper data systems, regular reporting and surveillance systems, as well as service delivery point observation and beneficiary surveys / spot-checks.

Programme evaluation is the episodic systematic examination of the outcomes of a program against its stated objectives. Grant-specific mid-year and final evaluations are not part of the Global Fund’s funding model; however, the grant’s performance is thoroughly evaluated at predefined intervals (twice a year for Core and High Impact countries, and once a year for Focused countries). Moreover, the Global Fund often fund or co-fund disease-specific program reviews whereby the grant’s performance and contributions in the disease response are also evaluated. Also, the grant may become part of a thematic evaluation commissioned by the Global Fund in a sample of countries. Considering the above, the Global Fund grants typically do not fund evaluations commissioned by UNDP, although there may be exceptions.

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