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Ad hoc Site Visits

Pursuant to Article 7(e) of the Grant Regulations, UNDP allows authorized representatives of the Global Fund and its agents ad hoc access to sites related to operations financed by Global Fund grants. Usually, site visits are conducted by the Local Fund Agent (LFA). The same procedures apply, regardless of whether the Global Fund, the LFA or another agent visits the site.

The ad hoc site visits are not audits. Country Offices (COs) are not permitted to provide Global Fund representatives or its agents, including the LFA, with any financial or programmatic documents or records during the visit. UNDP and UN agencies that act as Sub-recipients (SRs) can, and should, make available relevant financial and programmatic information drawn from their accounts and records (e.g. progress reports and expenditure reports). However, they should not provide access to the underlying documents or records.

However, non-UN-agency SRs (civil society organizations (CSOs) and government entities) can provide programmatic records and certain supporting documents to the LFA.

The Global Fund must provide reasonable notice of when visits will occur. If the Global Fund wants to look at numerous programmatic records, the SR must be given time to respond to the request. If sufficient time has not been given, this should be noted in writing to the Global Fund.

If a Global Fund request for an ad hoc site visit is received, UNDP Global Fund Partnership and Health Systems Team (GFPHST) and the Office of Audit and Investigations (OAI) should be consulted on how to proceed.

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