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Performance Framework

The Performance Framework is a statement of intended results and impact, to be reported to the Global Fund over the grant term. The Performance Framework shows how performance will be tracked over the course of the program. It includes an agreed set of indicators and targets consistent with the Programmatic Gap Analysis submitted by the country in the funding request. The Performance Framework is an essential part of the Grant Agreement between the Principal Recipient (PR) and the Global Fund.

Future Global Fund funding is dependent on country demonstrating impact i.e. showing a trend towards reducing the burden of the epidemic. The Performance Framework targets are milestones in that direction. In the short term, the results reported against the indicators and targets included in the Performance Framework form the basis for grant performance assessments and disbursements to the Principal Recipient (PR) during grant implementation.

Goals are broad and overarching statements of a desired programme impact in the medium-to-long term, they should be consistent with the National Strategic Plan.

Impact indicators are related to the defined goal or goals. The impact indicators, baselines and targets should be aligned with the National Strategic Plan.

Outcome indicators are related to the defined objectives, just as impact indicators are related to defined goals. As with goals and impact indicators, (1) an outcome indicator can be linked to more than one objective, and an objective can have more than one outcome indicator, and (2) targets for objectives and outcome indicators should be consistent with the National Strategic Plan or any other updated and agreed-upon country targets.

Coverage indicators refer to the proportion of individuals needing a service or intervention who actually receive it. In other words, it is the percentage of the population in need that has received the service or intervention.

NEW in GC7 Funding Cycle

In previous funding cycles, a simplified version of the Performance Framework was expected in the Funding Request stage which was then elaborated further during Grant Making. From GC7, a comprehensive Performance Framework should be submitted as part of the Funding Request. This Performance Framework is then refined further during the Grant Making stage based on TRP feedback and detailed negotiations between the Global Fund Country Team and the PR. Major changes to the Performance Framework are rarely possible during grant making in GC7.

Previously, all Funding request and Grant making related templates were shared via email by the Global Fund Country Team. From GC7, the templates, including the Performance Framework, can also be downloaded from the Partner Portal

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