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Additional consideration for selection of coverage indicators

The choice of indicators and, therefore, of data collection instruments will depend on the epidemiological context and the goals, objectives and interventions that constitute the national response. This may require additional efforts and resources in strengthening the underlying monitoring and evaluation systems, including mapping and size estimations.

In addition to the relevance and importance of an indicator in monitoring the grant and the indicator group (as explained above) consider the following when selecting indicators:

  • Look at the budget per module and intervention and identify indicators related to the modules /interventions with big grant investments.
  • In case a module/intervention is considered important and is key to demonstrate the achievement of a programmatic component, you may consider including an indicator even if the budget is low compared to other intervention.
  • In case if the number of indicators has to be reduced, consider the amount of the budget and/or the programmatic importance of the intervention and consult your Global Fund PHM&E and/or GFPHST M&E Specialist.

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