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UNDP as Principal Recipient (PR) is required to submit several programmatic and financial reports to the Global Fund during and after programme implementation. While the requirements listed below have been updated in June 2024, the reporting requirements may vary according to country context, and are subject to change over time based on updated Global Fund policies and processes. When in doubt, please consult with the UNDP Global Fund Partnership and Health Systems Team (GFPHST) and/or Global Fund Portfolio Manager (FPM) to ensure an up-to-date understanding of each grant’s reporting requirements.

The PR is required to request the disbursement of funds from the Global Fund through an annual forecast template, and to provide the Global Fund with periodic reports about the use of funds and activities financed by the grant. For further details on reporting requirements, please refer to the Global Fund Operations Policy Manual and Guidelines for Grant Budgeting

The Global Fund assesses PRs based on the content, completeness and timeliness of reports submitted, so Country Offices (COs) are encouraged to be mindful of the requirements and their deadlines and to request support from their Programme Specialist in the UNDP GFPHST when needed. After the review of the UNDP GFPHST, all reports should be submitted to the Global Fund Country Team, copying the Local Fund Agent (LFA) and the Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM).

Due dates for periodic reports are often mistakenly believed to be calculated from the programme start date; however, if the periodic reports do not correspond to UNDP’s fiscal calendar, one of the reporting periods will cross the closure of UNDP’s fiscal year, making it difficult for the CO to close its accounts. COs should conform their reports to UNDP’s fiscal calendar. If the programme start date is not aligned with the beginning of a UNDP fiscal quarter, the first and last periods should be adjusted to be shorter/longer than the other time periods to align appropriately. Due dates for Progress Updates (PUs) and Progress Updates/Disbursement Requests (PU/DR) are included in the Performance Framework.

In addition to reporting to the Global Fund, UNDP requires corporate reporting to assess performance against certain indicators.

Additional guidance to support this area of work are also available through resources listed below:

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