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Results-oriented Annual Reporting (ROAR)

With the introduction of the Strategic Plan 2014-2017 Integrated Results and Resources Framework (IRRF), the Results-oriented Annual Reporting (ROAR) will build on Country Programme Document (CPD) and IRRF monitoring, by using the data collected throughout the year by relevant units, for the purposes of performance assessment and lessons learning. The scope of annual reporting through the ROAR has therefore moved from a data collection exercise to a reflective and analytical one. The ROAR should be seen as a ‘complement’ to CPD and IRRF monitoring: For more information, please refer to the purposes of the ROAR, and how it complements these other sources of evidence, in the Technical Note on the streamlined IRRF.

Only a strong evidence base will allow UNDP to capture measurable progress, analyse it, draw lessons and make decisions that help us improve our performance as a development partner. We also need to focus more on capturing and communicating the value-added of the organization, along with a frank and meaningful picture of the challenges faced across the diverse and complex settings in which we work.

Capturing results in the ROAR?

In the ROAR, Country Offices (COs) are asked to note whether there is objective evidence to verify any change stated. Objective evidence means qualitative information or quantitative data, based on observed and/or recorded facts which are independent from UNDP, i.e. sources which are not internal UNDP documents, or if so, that have been verified as fact by external sources.

We can use many different types of external evidence to corroborate our results.

For example: data reported in national statistical systems, donor assessments, partner reports, UNDP project reports jointly produced and/or objectively verified or quality assured by stakeholders, and media reports. This could include qualitative evidence (e.g. perception surveys) as long as these have been produced by non-UNDP entities or verified by them.

With evidence in hand, the CO should interpret the information and develop a qualitative analysis of the progress being made, the role that UNDP contributions are playing or failing to play, and the ongoing suitability and relevance of UNDP’s engagement.

In reporting on outcome progress, the CO should draw on the data and evidence that they have been collecting throughout the year when monitoring programme progress, scanning for development changes in areas directly related to UNDP’s work, and managing the overall programme.

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