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Global Fund Review of Risk Management During Grant Implementation

The implementation of the grant is reviewed by the Global Fund, through their three line of defence model. This is done by monitoring Principal Recipients (PRs) risks and performance through:

  • PR risk reporting -
    • conducted through the Progress Update and/or Disbursement Request (PU/DR) - see the Grant reporting section of this Manual for details and the PU/DR instructions (2023). In addition to an update on the risks affecting the portfolio and the status of the Key Management Actions (KMAs), the PU/DRs also include a review of risk of stock-out and expiry. The Global Fund must be notified of imminent expiry and stock-out risks. See Health Product Management section of this Manual.
    • Pulse Checks are submitted twice per implementation year for High Impact and Core portfolios. The Pulse Check is submitted in Q1 and Q3, between mid-year Progress Updates (PU) and year end Progress Updates and Disbursement Requests (PUDR). See Global Fund Pulse Check guide (2024).
  • Audits - see audit and investigation section of this Manual.
  • Local Fund Agent (LFA) verification - PRs work with the LFA and provide information related to the management of the grants to comply with the grant assurance activities. See the LFA section of this Manual.
  • Engagement with Country Teams - participate in regular virtual or in-person communications with the Country Teams to discuss progress, risks, and issues.

The Global Fund assesses and communicates grant performance and risk management decisions through grant performance letter, PR performance qualitative assessment and performance letter. The latter is a communication from the Global Fund highlighting grant and PR performance with specific areas for action. It includes, at a minimum, the list of prioritised risks, mitigating actions and timelines relevant to the PR. The Global Fund can also leverage in-country programme review and evaluation to validate country portfolio risks and identify issues where additional support, flexibilities and/or innovation are needed.

Additional guidance to support this area of work are also available through a number of resources listed below:

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