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Communication and consultation

Risk management is consultative, and communication is ensured throughout the risk management process. This includes:

  1. Ensuring, effective and informed engagement and participation of the stakeholders and at-risk groups involved in the project
  2. Ensuring an inclusive risk management process, by bringing together all required technical expertise in the risk management cycle
  3. Provide sufficient information to ensure oversight and risk-informed decision making through dedicated discussions on risks during meetings with the Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) and between the BPPS Global Fund Partnership and Health Systems Team (GFPHST) and the Regional Bureau.

In Global Fund projects, the Local Fund Agent is expected to escalate risks to the donor. However, risk communication can and should also start from UNDP Project Management Unit (PMU). This can take place internally across the UNDP three lines of defence, as per UNDP-Global Fund risk management framework, and/or from the Principal Recipient to the CCM and through letters to the donor, for critical (and often contextual or programmatic) risks.

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